MUG: Full Bloom Cactus Mug

BOOK: She Who Became the Sun by Shelly-Parker Chan

DRINK: Hot Chocolate

Ooofta. This book packs a punch. It is a historical fantasy fiction novel that reinvents the raise to power of the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the 14th Century. The book is written from the perspective of two characters on the opposite sides of the war. They each have a unique entry to their gender identities at youth that shape who they are as adults. They meet in war and become mortal enemies while fighting their own personal battles of who they are inside and how they present to the world. Watch out for the last chapter of the book. It will be a smack in the face. I think Iā€™d pair this one with a cup of hot chocolate in a Full Bloom Cactus mug to harness the prickly and the sweet from the book.

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