MUG: Espresso Mug

BOOK: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

DRINK: Espresso

Oooofta. This book was a dozy of a listen. Kingsolver sure does know how to write an incredible book and Demon Copperhead is no different than some of her other amazing books. This book follows the life of a boy born in rural Appalachia and the impacts that poverty has on his life. Kingsolver does an incredible job narrating the life of Demon through his highs and lows. His character is continually beat down by the institutions built around him and you will want to knock them all down by the end of it so that Demon can catch a break. If the title sounds vaguely familiar it may be because Kingsolver was inspired by Dickens’ David Copperfield written in 1850 about the same issues of institutional proverty. It’s a heavy pill to swallow when we realize just how little things have changed in over 150 years. Perhaps to make it through this book select your favorite espresso mug and pull yourself a shot.

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